It Can't Get Any Better Than This... Can It? (the remix)
I think we can all agree that the last 2 months have felt like a lifetime. The last time I was writing for you folks the country was just beginning to shut down. I had just closed down the Smile Montana Kalispell office completely and retained 3 employees to help me manage any dental emergencies out of our Columbia Falls location. In other words, I furloughed 25ish employees and 3 Doctors. It was a scary time. At first, we thought it was just a two-week thing but then it became apparent that it would be longer, how long nobody knew. So much uncertainty. We ultimately canceled and rescheduled over 2000 dental and hygiene appointments.
I'm very happy to say that we were able to resume seeing patients in May with a few minor procedural modifications. Presently and for the time being, patients are invited to wait in their cars in lieu of the waiting room, we take their temperature upon arrival, we have medical grade air purifiers, we have more advanced and protective equipment and clothing, and it's all good. We are just glad to be back with our patients and communities doing what we love to do.
I would also love to take this opportunity to announce the opening of our 3rd Smile Montana location in Whitefish. When all the Covid-19 madness hit we thought that it was very inopportune timing for opening up a new location, but with the 2000 canceled dental and hygiene procedures we have realized that we are fortunate to have the extra space and the extra help.
Right now, I'm going to throw it back and remix an article I wrote some years prior. This would seem to have been a more optimistic time but definitely relatable to our current situation. Enjoy:
Music plays a big role in the Miller residence. We have a Spotify playlist for almost every activity, mood, and location. We have speakers in every room and on the patio. We have a studio with guitars, basses, microphones, drums, keyboards, mixers, etc. We like to make noise and listen to noise.
One song in particular that the kids have on consistent rotation is by a group called Twenty One Pilots titled Stressed Out.
The chorus of the song is as follows:
Wish we could turn back time, to the good ol' days
When our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out
The song goes on to reveal that the reasons for the stress are the normal responsibilities that come with adulthood. I found myself not only digging the tune a little bit, but also totally relating to it. Especially the line about the artist's preference for tree house homes over student loans. As my 7-year-old son Banksy strolled past singing along to the chorus I asked him, "Banks, what do you think he means by 'the good ol' days?" Banksy replied, "I don't know Dad." So, I followed up with another question, "Do you know what it means to be 'stressed out?" Of course, his answer was "Nope."
Let's go back to the time when we were less stressed out. To the good ol' days. When our laughs and smiles were pure. Think of the amazing and phenomenal things we have witnessed. Things we would never believe had we not seen them with our own eyes. How many times in my life have I uttered the words, "they've done it, it can't get any better than this." How often have you thought those same things? How many of you are thinking that right now with your iPhone 11 whatever in your hand streaming the newest release in whatever they're calling the latest and greatest version of high definition. Pretty dang-stinkin unbelievable, am I right?
A little over 5 years ago a Dental Rep (DR) stopped in my office wanting to discuss a certain piece of dental tech called the CEREC that allowed the dentist to offer porcelain restorations in one appointment. Highly aesthetic porcelain crowns in one visit bypassing the need for a temporary, a second visit, and the possibility of having to be numbed a second time.
The DR knew that I had done a live demo some years prior with the previous rep and wanted to show me the latest hardware and software upgrades. I am very much a hands-on, the proof is in the pudding type of learner and told him we would need to do another live demo. If it was as good as he sold it, the tech would sell itself.
We did the live demo and I rocked a poker face so good Lady Gaga would have folded with pocket Aces. It performed as advertised. I was amazed almost as much as the patient. The CEREC was a game changer.
I knew it, but unfortunately the CEREC also knew it and came with a "game-changer" price tag. Maintaining my poker face, I transitioned into swap-meet mode and walked away. A month passed and I received a call from the DR saying a spot had opened up at their training center for the weekend and they would like to fly me to Scottsdale for the weekend. Scottsdale in April? See ya.
I show up, make a lot of crowns, fall deeper and deeper in love with this technology all the while receiving the full-court sales press from DR. Amazingly I returned home without putting pen to paper and the negotiations continued. Finally, he walks into my office and goes all Godfather on me "making me an offer I cannot refuse." "Dr. Miller" he says, "I have never had a client with as much CEREC exposure as you who did not buy the technology. I am going to let you have the CEREC free of charge for 6 months." No commitments?" I ask. "No fine print?" "Nope" he replies, "however, after 6 months I either come and take it away or you buy it."
We both knew that I wasn't giving it back, but a 6-month test drive made it sting a little less. Fast forward 5 years and thousands of crowns later and we still feel like kids on Christmas morning. In fact, Smile Montana owns 3 CEREC machines now. We continue to be amazed at the perfect fit, the life-like contour, and the bite that feels right every time. We get to let our inner artist out with a wide selection of stains and glazes in order to better match the shades and nuances of our patients' teeth. Patients love hearing that we can fix their broken teeth immediately with no need to wait weeks for the lab to make their new crown. We think outside the box and apply CEREC technology to different dental problems.
Thinking back on how, prior to using CEREC, we used goopy impression material and fickle temporary acrylic feels a lot like reflecting back on dial-up internet; a lot like VHS and cassette tapes. The future is here, and I am tempted to say to myself, "they have indeed done it, it cannot get any better than this." But I'm all grown up, an adult, stressed out. I have been fooled twice so shame on me; I know IT WILL GET BETTER. I would be a fool to think it won't; And how exciting is that.
So, take that high-definition marvel of modern science and technology out of your back pocket and cue up your "feel good" song. Folks we are all growing older; But we are growing older as part of one another's village in Montana, and that's enough to keep a SMILE on my face. Thank You!
Read It Can't Get Any Better Than This... Can It? (the remix) and other Smile Montana articles by Dr. John F. Miller, DDS, in 406 Woman magazines.